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How was training camp? 


That has been a question that I have already been asked so many times and it’s only been 3 days. 


You would think I would be able to rattle off some pre-rehearsed answer that could fully encompass the week at training camp. But that would feel unauthentic and like I was putting the Lord in a box. 


While I will never be able to truly describe just how life giving training camp was, I will try to give you three of my biggest take aways from camp. 



1. The Lord is so so good y’all 

Okay so chances are you know this one. And you’re wanting to quickly scroll past this point, but please don’t. 


At training camp, I met with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in ways that I never had before. I see all three in a different way now.  One of the biggest break throughs for this transition started on the second day of camp during my 1-on-1 with my squad mentor. During that meeting, my Squad mentor asked the right questions to allow me to start to realize that I hadn’t been allowing the love that Jesus has for me to truly sink into all of the hard parts of my heart. 


Then as the week progressed, it seemed like every day, at least one of the speakers said something that resonated with me and this desire to know Jesus more fully just kept building.  

It wasn’t until one of the last sessions that all of it came together and it all finally clicked.  All of the words that had been said over me throughout camp, all the prayers that people had spoken, they all came to this moment where I realized that I couldn’t do it by myself anymore, and that I need more of the love and comfort that Jesus can offer.  


Throughout this process, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit like I never had before and my perspective of the Father shifted. 


All of this led to me laying my life down in the pool and being raised a new creation through water baptism. I am hungry for more of Jesus!! 


2. Having a ‘yes’ in your spirit is actually a really good thing 


One overarching theme of camp was having a ‘yes’ in your spirit. Some examples that were given were: 

“I don’t know what this will look like, but yes Lord”

“I’m really nervous about how this will happen, but yes Lord”

But yes Lord

But yes Lord 

Really the whole idea of this ‘yes’ is just saying “you know what Lord I really don’t know how this will work out or what you have planned but I am releasing my grip on the things that I can control and giving it all to You.”


Every one of my squad members had to come to a spot where all they had was a ‘yes’ in their spirit for the plan the Lord has for their lives and that is what has led us all to this moment together. 




3. Strangers that became family 


Walking into training camp I had only ever video chatted with one other person on my squad. To say I was nervous to spend every moment with them during training camp is a huge understatement. 


However, now, on this side of training camp, I wish that we didn’t have to leave each other for 9 weeks until launch. 

There is just something so special about all having a common goal of pursuing a relationship with God and serving others that is so raw and genuine. 

Now, without further ado, meet my people:




(All 19 plus our mentors, coaches, and leaders) 

And Team Flocka Sheep 

(The five other people that I will be immediately doing life with and serving with for the first few months of the trip)



While I tried to explain these take aways the best I could, even this truly doesn’t scratch the surface if how incredible the Lord is!! 


If you have any questions about my time at training camp or want to chat more about anything I said above, I’d love to set up a time to talk! 


I leave you with this verse that the Lord revealed to me during Training Camp and has brought me so much comfort ever since:


Psalm 139: 17-18 

“How precious are your thoughts about me O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” 







4 responses to “World Race Training Camp: My 3 Biggest Take-aways”

  1. Hi Kayla! You are embarking on the adventure of your lifetime…… and your life will never be the same! God bless… love hearing how you are growing in the Lord. You will be a wonderful ambassador for Jesus!!

  2. Hi Kayla,
    Psalm 139 is my favorite. It always calms me and makes me realize God knows me!
    I will be praying for safe travel and that you bring the Word to people that need it!

  3. Kayla, I am so excited for you! What powerful take-aways! It is truly amazing how quickly we become attached to people who share our journey to know God better! You are in my prayers!