
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

These past 11 months I have spent traveling to the ends of the earth.  I have been in remote mountain villages, hustling cities, and everywhere in between.  

Throughout the months, we have had several opportunities to go and do and see some pretty incredible awe-inspiring things and places.  Twenty-seven waterfalls in the Dominican Republic, hiked Machu Picchu in Peru, and went shark cage diving in South Africa were just some of the incredible things/places we went to. Each one of these experiences have been nothing less than amazing. 

But as we were driving home the other day from shark cage diving, my mind started to wander.  I started questioning why we want to do these crazy things and have all of these experiences.  I started putting words to thoughts I have had for a long time about how I feel after each of these adventures.  


Each of these experiences, even with how drastically different they are from one another, all share a few characteristics.

  1. The Pre-Hype: this is while you’re in the planning process.  The idea of going and doing this really awesome thing pops into your head.  You try to google everything you can about what you are doing and where you are going.  You start planning the logistics surrounding the trip; what day you are going, who is going with you, how much it costs, etc. 
  2. Morning of: you wake up early, make sure that your bag is packed with the correct things; sunscreen, towel, extra clothes, water, snacks, etc. And you even set a couple of alarms because you want to be sure to not miss the bus.
  3. The Once In A Lifetime Experience: this is the moment you’ve been waiting and preparing for.  You go through this experience and have laughs and memories made with the people around you.  You try to be in the moment as much as you can and soak up every single minute of it.  

Then it’s over.  You’re back on the bus headed to the same exact place that you left from earlier that morning and all that is on your mind now is what pictures can I post so I can show everyone what I did.  

That day comes, and it passes, just like every other day. And life goes on, just like it always does.  The adrenaline rush is gone. And now, all you have is memories of the experience.  Then, for me this year, you head to a different country, and start the whole process over again.  

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we continue to want to fill our lives with these things or experiences that make our adrenaline rush? 

It is easy to say “oh I just like doing adventurous things” but I think that we use that answer as a copout.  I believe that we want to do and experience these incredible things because the world around us tells us we should want to.  Social media tells us that we will feel some sense of accomplishment by experiencing as many “once in a lifetime” experiences as possible.  But I believe that the way that we are living and what the world is telling us is all twisted.  

The only true once in a lifetime experience doesn’t come from climbing the tallest mountains and it doesn’t come from diving as deep as we can into the ocean.  The true once in a lifetime experience that we are all searching for is found in Jesus Christ.  All of the longing we have in our hearts to feel that next adrenaline rush won’t ever be filled by worldly things.  The only thing that will ever be able to fill that void, is Jesus.  

We as humans, think we know what is best for our lives.  We think we have to be the ones to fill every hour, every minute of our time with these incredible experiences, but that isn’t the case.  By doing that, we are making these experiences idols.  And for what? All of these emotions and experiences are fleeting.  They won’t truly satisfy you or me or anyone else on this earth.  What we are all truly searching for is Jesus Himself.  He is the only one that can fill us up in the ways that we truly need to be filled.  He is the only one that can take that longing and void and fill that up with joy and peace and patience.  

The things that we are all searching and chasing and life are really good and fulfilling in the moment.  But what about after the moment is over? Do you feel a little let down by the experience? Are you already on the planning the next experience? 

This is something that the Lord has redeemed in me this year.  It took me traveling to all of these places to realize this lesson. And the way that it really stuck with me, was when I was reflecting on this year.  After this year, I will probably forget about everything we saw and experienced.  But there are certain people that I have had conversations with that will be stuck with me for the rest of my life.  The experiences that God orchestrates are so much more fulfilling and life-giving that going on these crazy worldly adventures. 


So today, I challenge you to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Why do I enjoy going on advents? Is the to show all of my instagram followers in order to get the most likes or is it to bring glory to God?
  2. How do I feel after the experience? Do I feel completely satisfied or is something still missing?
  3. Do I adventure to uphold my own personal image or do I adventure because that is what God has called me to do?

Adventuring and experiencing all of these things is not a bad thing.  God created the world and His creation is a masterpiece to be enjoyed.  But if I am not wanting to experience God’s creation in order to stand in even more awe and reverence towards Him, then I am doing it for all of the wrong reasons.  

Jesus is the true once in a lifetime experience. 


4 responses to “The Ultimate Once In A Lifetime Experience”

  1. Hello, Beautiful One! Yes. IT’S JESUS! He’s the only One that fulfills us and truly makes us WHOLE. This revelation is so powerful Kayla. We are so proud of you and we’re so glad that you have gotten to experience His beauty in nature as icing on the cake. We love you so much! Praying for ease of travel and safety for you all the way back to US soil. Looking forward to seeing you in Gainesville!

  2. You are amazing Kayla! Love reading your posts about all your experiences. It sounds like you’ve got life figured out & will continue to do wonderful things when you return to the U.S. Safe travels & enjoy seeing your family & friends again.

  3. God created an amazing world for us. Experiencing His wonders is always a gift. But I agree, that your experiences of sharing Jesus with others, introducing His love to someone for the first time, praying the prayer of salvation with a new believer, those are the moments that change lives forever. You are so blessed to have almost a year of doing that adventure every day. And I love that you appreciate those opportunities so much. You are blessed to be chosen for such an amazing ministry!